Thursday, 20 December 2012

And now Vipassana...... 10 days of Silence for NikStarr.

So after a hectic few week, well months, well year, well couple of years.... actually that's not the point.

I travel to Java on 20 December 2012 in preparation for 21 December at the Sukuh Temple.

The lead up to 21 December has been so much fun.  I was lucky enough to find a local mangku and some new friends to access the energy, we did praying, meditation and had a great day.

I put my Swami on the plane today to fly to India to die.  Here's the story from a previous blog.  That was quite the journey.  I have leased out my house until the end of February and my dear friend Darla is caring for my beloved cat Budhi for a few weeks.  So times are a changing.

So after, the 21st, if we are still all here, and I believe we will be, operating in new energy and time continuum, I will be entering the long calling 10 day Silent retreat Vipassana in Central Java.

Vipassana has been calling me for a couple of years, initially it freaked me out.  The thought of silence for 10 days, no talking, no reading, no writing, no engaging with anybody, no eye contact, no thankyou for the food you are being served, no phone, NO FACEBOOK, was really too much to comprehend.

I have friends that have done it and raved about it.  Friends that lasted one day and walked out.   Then I saw the next one was 22nd December until 2nd January........................ Perfect.

I have never been much of a fan of Christmas and since I became a Hindu this year, it's not part of my life so much anymore.  The thought of spending this time in silence, within excited me.  Like really excited me.  You do 8 hours of meditation a day, in 4 x 2 hr blocks.  For the 2 hours you aren't to move from your meditation position.  This too excited me, strange I thought.  All of these factors freaked me out and now they excited me beyond understanding.

I spend a lot of my day talking either verbally or technologically with so many people.  I run around doing a million things often.  Always someone needing something or having somewhere to go. 

Now I have created the space purely for me, to be quiet, silent, reflective and see how my levels of commitment and disciple have grown.

I am very excited to see what new Nicole walks out of this on 2nd of January.  I'm ready to take things to the next level for me.  I am mastering myself in light of the year I've had of becoming an Energy She-Master.  I am planning on embracing the practise 100% and participating full-out.

I will be in Australia on 8 January to spend time with my children, take a break and simply be.  I will be running a few workshops, meditation circles and tantra talks.  I will share those dates on the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and Bryon then too.

So until then, Happy Holidays everyone.  Blessings all round.  Love in abundance.  Gratitude unlimited.

Nik.  xo

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