Wednesday, 15 January 2014

I'm Not having a Baby...... WE ARE ALL HAVING A BABY...... Real Soon !!!!

Wow, what an incredible experience it is creating a baby in consciousness and such awareness.       So truly miraculous the female body is. It truly is such an amazing thing to experience in this state..... extraordinary polarity in my past pregnancies.

Being in Bali and surrounded by a loving nurturing women is such a gift.  I feel like I'm really living the concept of children being bought up the community/village concept.  And then it gets even more incredible. There is this whole extended family that is not physical but energetic and the power of that blows my mind.  Its almost unimaginable to fathom.  I cannot express in words how loved and supported I feel.  (coming from fear that lead to Post Natal Depression and truly being so alone in my first and pretty much second preg/birthing experience, .... this is something dreams are made of).  Yet, I assure you that there are really hard days, annoying crap and a dash of dumbshit too..... this is human life after all.

I have currently my super awesome Hayley Weatherburn back here in Bali, and my best friend Rach doing all the things I need to do; its like having these incredible extra arms that magically do stuff.

I tried to make a gift registry as so many peeps asked how they could assist me in this time.... How they could contribute..... so trying to organize a Registry through MotherCare Indonesia isn't exactly user friendly... so although I have a list of things we need etc..... the most efficient and easiest way was decided through a gathering of funds to support this list.................. so magically this site was created. Such clever girls.

The fact you are reading this, you have impacted my life in some way, at some time.  Perhaps for a few days, perhaps for a few months or even years now.  Part of your soul essence has been part of the whole shaping of my now.  Every moment in life is part of every aspect of evolution, comes back to my Zero Separation philosophy. (Blog Post of ZSP).  When we can really understand and conceptualize that we are the Oneness and the consequence of each other than polarity dissolves.  Thinking of so many of you right now, I having flashes, feeling your energy and knowing that my total experience is connected to you, always.  It's no longer mind boggling.  Just simply beautiful.

And therefore I know that you will all be with me during the birthing process (whether you even realize it or not)  and for that I know its going to be beyond my wildest dreams..... there is a big part of me that is really looking forward to birth..........going to call me in my goddess deities to assist and cant wait to see how that all pans out.

So any day now or not................... who knows... I'm good, tired, sore, blah blah blah, usual physical things that go with 38 weeks.................but in grand spirits...

So for those that feel they want to show some form of physical contribution, you can use this page which will be up until the birth.

I will show you all the stuff we get and all the things that will be the start of this little beings life.  .... Seriously part of me still has no idea what is going on here.  I guess I will know soon enough.  And I can't wait to share this next funny journey with you all.

Ok, Hayley and Rachael have just  advised me they think today is a great day for birth, full moon and all...... let's see if they let the universe know of their plans......  Incidentally the Full Moon is Thursday 16th and not today so let's just see......  I'm off to Meditate.  It's BABYSHOWER DAY.  YAY!!!

So much love....................... xo

Ibu Nik.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for embracing this amazing experience, the journey begins and your awareness of creating such a little life is going to make it so amazing! Can't wait to squeeze you all xxxxxxxxxxx
