What a doozeeeee this is. The energy is making things fairly clear. It may feel confusing but the reality is; you know. You always know, you just have to catch up with your soul. That mind sometimes is a crafty little thing.
This March Equinox holds the energy of balance and unification at such depths that you are forced to experience situations that are not as such in your life.
What is out of balance and not in unity is what is on your mind right now, you know that all the signs, events and metaphorical slaps in the face of this last month have lead to this point.
Today 21 March, there is the Equinox portal opened. Where the veils have opened and you can access other dimensions, it really isn't too difficult. It's akin to being on a magic mushroom trip with out the psychedelics nor the tumultuous bowels.
A simple way is through meditation. Opening your third eye. Having faith and trust in your soul and being responsible on your return. Always close you third eye after this work. It in itself is a magical portal to the divine wisdom. Another time check out my Third Eye Guided Meditation Activation. Back to today's portal of pure potentiality. I personally have been faced with extreme opportunity for my soul of late. How freakin unusual in this intense time on earth .....right!. So what's new really. But the point is; I'm so damn grateful. I'm looking now at the really deep stuff. And where it's leading me is to my personal soul unification. Bringing in all that in unharmonious within me into balance. Very specifically I have been guided to 'open my third eye and with my intention allow a soul unification to take place'. What the freakin hell does that mean, you may think. Well, I say, does it matter. Today 2pm Bali time, 4pm Brisbane, 5pm Melbourne (Australia) time, I'm going to sit here on the earth and do it. There are fragmentation's I know are in my being and there are also parts of my soul that need to come back to me, so without using my mind, I will knowingly close my eyes and let it happen and then open my eyes and get on with my day. I know that if I take responsibility for my energy and within create balance, unity and harmony; then there is a far greater chance of that reflecting in all areas of my life.
Spirituality is not hard, well actually that's bullshit, its ridiculously hard at times. Its soul evolution with intention. It's searching for expansion and its being the Warrior to keep on going. But the 'how to'; is unique. There is no right or wrong. There is just 'your way'; and your soul knows the right way. The key, TRUST YOURSELF. You will always guide you in the right direction.
So, my beautiful baby boy is stirring in my bed; as this day is waking I bid you now.
I am with the conscious collective not just on the gorgeous day but always. I hold the energy of this time with great seriousness in my heart and being. I am honored and blessed to hold space for all that wish to connect with me and trust me with their journey.
I bow now in reverence to You, for in simply reading this your level of awareness has naturally risen and your heart has expanded.
I love you..... xo

Grace and gratitude,
Nik xo
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