At 11.11pm in Australia EST and 1.11am (22 December) Bali time is the actual moment of the Solstice, Summer Solstice down this side of Gaia.
It's an opportune time to make use of this energy and connect into the infinite universal consciousness.
"A solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice each year as the Sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. As a result, on the day of the solstice, the Sun appears to have reached its highest or lowest annual altitude in the sky above the horizon at local solar noon. The solstices, together with the equinoxes, are connected with the seasons. In many cultures the solstices mark either the beginning or the midpoint of winter and summer." ~ Wikipedia.
It was on the December solstice 2012, just one short year ago, that millions celebrated the global event commonly known as The Shift of The Ages that marked the end of an evolutionary cycle of the previous 26,000 years.
My partner and now husband, Angelo and I traveled to an ancient Pyramid in Java to spend this day in ceremony and connection. Little did we know what would happen as a consequence. At the time of the solstice we will literally inside a portal of the pyramid where we access a Violet Flame, processed to the top of the pyramid and did a full incantation of the energy field. (on returning to this site in August this year, married and pregnant, my unborn child told me it was this very event that he made the decidion to incarnate through me with us as his parents some short months after). I assure you the solstice energy is powerful.
We now today find ourselves (humans) living in a multidimensional world, even if our beliefs and outward manifestations have not quite caught up with this yet.
The Mayan Calendar may of ended and the new Golden Age begun, we start a new 26000 year cycle and at this time we are closest to the Toroidal Field (the earths centre, heart beat). To take the steps of more transition into the New World, accessing this portal of what can be explained as soul self/god self, the oneness energy field of this solstice.
"There is only one time period in a nearly 26,000-year cycle heralding the Turning of the Ages when the December Solstice aligns with the intersection near Galactic Center. The Center of our Galaxy ... is a huge black hole that acts as a Divine transmitter and receiver. The pure energy pouring forth from here may be utilized in our conscious co-creative process to amplify and transmit new programs of operation and awareness directly to the DNA."
The Sun enters Capricorn, marking the Solstice. Take Capricorn’s energy to the high side by focusing on maturity, responsibility, discipline and good time management.
As well as Venus turning retrograde today. Until she turns direct again on 1/31, you can reflect productively on relationships, finances and creativity. This is a better time for contemplation in these areas than initiation.
This morning I was guided to begin my day with one of my own guided meditations; which leads through Zero Separation, dissolving the segregation and connected the oneness. You can experience the exact meditation through this link.
There are many ways you can participate in the Solstice energy (the 24 hours before and after the exact moment are the most potent).~
- Simply taking some time out to meditate with the energy. Setting your intention to be connected through your heart and just allow the moment to be.
- You can get some of your favourite things and make a little ceremony, candles, incense, cards, pen/paper, whatever takes your fancy, to make your unique time.
- There are many solstice gatherings online and offline. You may be guided to one of these.
Blessings dear souls,
Pure and unconditional love always, Nik. xo
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